Last Updated: 2020-08-01Grouparoo is an open-source project. We strive to respond to bugs, questions, and problems transparently in the open. We believe this this is important so that future Grouparoo users can find previous questions and answers to help themselves, ultimately leading to a stronger and more informed community.
Github Issues
If you are a user of the open source Grouparoo project, please open a new Github Issue describing the problem. Issues are public, so please only share information that you would be comfortable with other people reading. Never share passwords or identifying customer data. Choose "Bug Report", and you will be guided though the process. There is no SLA provided by Grouparoo, Inc. for resolving Github issues. However, any member of the Grouparoo Community, including other users, are able to see your issue and help you out.
Create a new support issuePaid Support
If you hold a paid Grouparoo subscription, please create a Github Issue to start the support process. We monitor Github Issues from your team/company, and will prioritize them according to our agreed upon SLA. We still would like to use your issues to build our community knowledge base. In the rare case that your issue pertains to a proprietary extension or non-public information, please email
Support Topics
We also have an array of support topics documented to help you learn more about Grouparoo. Here is the list of available topics:
Having Problems?
If you are having trouble, visit the list of common issues or open a Github issue to get support.